What Does a Woman Get From a Tantric Massage?
Inspired by London tantric massage guide’s latest post ‘What Does a Man Get From a London Tantric Massage?‘ I started to think about my experience with Tantra and tantric massage since I joined tantra world from one of the eros massage parlour back in 2010. I really get a lot from tantric massage, below is my share with you, hope you like it.
Please be aware that this is a description of Tantric Massage as I provide/experience it. The majority of what is normally presented as London Tantric Massage elsewhere is not what I could know, even in many long-established workshops. You can’t expect these outcomes from every therapist of Tantric Massage. I can only tell you what I experienced and I offer.
Tantric massage goes to the very essence of female sexuality, it responds to the woman’s most essential sexual needs, the view of which we have lost in our minds in these days of misguided sexual sensationalism, but which is still what the body will respond to the most. Tantric massage unlocks the very depth of the woman’s sexual potential.
By receiving a good Tantric massage from her lover….
- The woman can finally relax completely into her sexual pleasure with her whole body releasing inner sexual tensions and becoming receptive – a very important thing for the woman’s sexual capacity
- The woman can reach the deepest and the most powerful states of whole body arousal.
- She can expand her potential for different kinds of orgasms
- She can have whole body sexual experiences, not just local stimulation episodes.
- She can explore the peaceful and harmonic, deeply nourishing and fulfilling sex life.
- She can fully open her main driving force in sex – her heart
- She can make her whole body and her most sexual areas more sensitive and remove the layers of years-old armouring.
- She can receive the so often necessary sexual healing from her lover and liberate herself from the invisible tensions which may have impeded her from enjoying her sex life to the full before – which is the case with most women these days.
- She can learn to receive pleasure in a relaxed way, without feeling guilt or a need to be active.
- She can learn to benefit from her sexual energy in her daily life, in the ways which I have described on the pages of my Tantric Massage for Women
- She can learn to fully take up her role as the receptive pole of the sexual union, which helps couples to flow more freely in their sexual energy.
- She can get to appreciate the sensuality and beauty of her body, no matter her age or looks.
By giving a Tantric massage as a Goddess…
- The woman can calm his sexual energy down so that it flows in a strong but tranquil way and makes him go deeper into sex and last longer with her.
- The woman can tune the man onto her wavelength for more intimate and relaxed love-making
- The woman reconnects with her feminine nature of a nourisher and give her man her heart energy in that sacred space, which gives her own energy a new healthy balance. Nourishing her man is an aspect many women misunderstand in their sex lives these days and it becomes
- very enriching for the woman and the couple to set off some time when she does that.
- The woman gets in touch with her inner sensuality and creative sensual nature which she can then express in sex a lot more.